The Reformed Church
of Silverstream
History of our church
Reformed churches trace their history to apostolic times (Matthew 16:13-20, Acts 2) and before (e.g. Psalm 122). They trace their history through the 16th-century Protestant Reformation (when Catholicism was challenged by leaders such as Martin Luther) to today.
In the 1950’s, many European immigrants came to New Zealand. Those who were committed to the Biblical truths held forth by the 16th century Protestant Reformation, found that many of New Zealand’s Protestant churches had departed from their Reformational roots. These immigrants established the Reformed Churches of New Zealand. The first three such churches were instituted in 1953.
The Reformed Church of Silverstream, a “daughter” of the Reformed Church of Wellington, was instituted in 1963.
In 1953 at a meeting (synod) in Wellington, The Reformed Churches of New Zealand were officially established and churches from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch were represented. Over the years, further congregations have been established, and the denomination now comprises about twenty congregations in the North and South Islands.
Despite the Dutch background of many of the members of our churches, the Reformed Church is simply a church, all are welcome. Our focus is not on ethnic origin but on God’s calling. We strive to practice Paul’s words: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).
If you would like to know more about the Reformed Churches of New Zealand click here to go to their website.